Corporate Laws

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Our Roles & Responsibilities

Our firm armours a broad-gauged service with regards to issues that are faced in a corporate entity. Assisting in every minute corporate disputes comprehensively with the help of our duly specialised professionals is our main aim. Every business establishment looks towards managing as well as setting up the business in a way which is not legally bound. Here we cater to all your discrepancies and provide you with an exact business solution devoid of all legal glitches.Our ultimate focus lies on representing corporate identities in every dispute that has cropped up or likely to have an adverse future effect keeping each process confidential in its utmost possibility.This shifts our focus to maintain the corporate identity in the market intact.

  • To safeguard towards any legal risk occurring or inevitable in an organization
  • Drafting compliances, eliminating any compliance issues & guidelines in a strategized manner
  • Executing Mergers & Acquisition of companies
  • Extensive protection of Intellectual Property Rights
  • Interpret the agreements between organizations & shareholders
  • Aiding & advising on all legal matters
  • Acquisition of assets
  • Favourable reconstruction & reorganization of Companies
  • Establishment & Formation of a Company
  • Detailed preparation of audit legal reports and various other supporting legal document.
  • Working on Insurance company claims
  • Abstracting proposals of Foreign Investment.


Regulatory Practise

We render assistance in rerouting the Corporate topography in terms of licensing, compliances, agreements . Our motive is to keep these aspects at par with the legal rules and regulations that should be incorporated for the efficient functioning of the corporate organization. Navigating through the complex laws and making the client not deviate from his business objectives is what we aim for .

Investment Funds

Every investing, re-investing, holding, trading, holding has to be very careful and kept within the ambit of law. We provide all forms of guidance to take necessary steps and measures to work in accordance with the legal provisions. Our agenda is to deploy the Investment procedure in a legalised manner with proper documentation which has a futuristic implication for the investor. Helping to procure finance, either from banks or private investors, securing acute guarantees and other assets, completing due-diligence reports and checking on debts is also one of our function areas.

Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual property is the supporting backbone for many business owners. A perfect pathway is provided for protecting the different Intellectual Properties involved in a business entity and also for the registration of the respective IPs.A clear demonstration is also provided to the Intellectual Property Right holder. Due care of the entire procedure would be taken in case infringement of any IP takes place.

Indirect Tax

We are equipped with very proficient lawyers who offer acute advice on a wide spectrum of indirect tax-related issues. We furnish a comprehensive structure in various aspects as in the supply chain management, financial modelling, tax-optimal structuring, risk mitigation, bid advisory, negotiations and dispute resolution with the aid of our widely knowledge equipped professionals.

Bankruptcy & Insolvency

Our expertise also lies immensely on dealing with bankruptcy and insolvency issues and to serve clients who are seeking relief ,performing different roles such as lender, creditor, debtor, investor or in any other capacity. We also take the initiative of advising on strategies to make exit from any organization, refinancing, distressed debt , liquidation of assets ,restructuring trading and investment in distressed assets.

Employment & Dispute Resolution

A lot of skill sets are required in order to come up with an absolutely on point resolution where both the parties are contended with the resolution passed or asked to execute . Our focus is always on resolution of dispute with minimum inconvenience or disturbances to be caused to either of the parties involved .


Settling of claims and disputes that have arised are possible adopting the means of negotiation as well. In most of the business deals, the clients negotiate amongst themselves, later on decide on the important terms of the deal, and the further procedures needs an involvement of a lawyer . In these situations, the lawyer’s role begins that is to anticipate failure points and documents that would be complemented in the worst developed situations.

Joint Ventures & General Corporate Practise

We evaluate the possibilities to starting up a business and oust the legal deformity that would be caused when two or more companies are venturing. Every business entity needs a hostile corporate situation for settlement and to be devoid of any future resistance in the business functions.

We are group of elite lawyers who would like cater your Corporate problems, future events that would lead to such disputes. We push towards transparent corporate affairs, and fulfil the compliance requirement organizational needs. As frequently interface with various law enforcement authorities and provide representation and legal advisory service matters Mergers & Acquisitions, Liquidation, Licensing, Performance Regulation, Negotiation & Regulatory Practises.